Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am – 7pm

Alternative energy

Qualified design of energy facilities and their decarbonization. Engagement of the best architects and designers. Author supervision. Determination of the class of consequences and responsibility of the designed object and individual buildings in it.

Design of energy facilities

Energy independence is the main task of Ukraine for the coming years, therefore the design of energy facilities and decarbonization as a strategy will be in greater demand. Currently, the energy industry around the world is undergoing fundamental changes. The words of Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani become a distinctive expression for it: “The Stone Age did not end because the stones ran out, and the oil age will not end because the oil ran out…”.

Expected changes in the energy sector of Ukraine

Our country has a rather strategic and important task in the nearest future: to get rid of dependence on Russian gas and oil products.
It can be divided into several points:

  1. Providing consumers with a fairly reliable source of electricity and heat supply.
  2. Reduction of energy consumption costs.
  3. Decarbonization/striving to achieve zero emissions that pollute the atmosphere.

Energy independence and decarbonization of the process should become the goal for every customer of the creation of an energy facility.

Innovative types of energy generation

For this, it is necessary to look at innovative types of energy generation:

Solar generation

It is the most promising source of energy. But its use directly depends on the climatic conditions under which it is used. A modern type of solar energy generation is solar batteries, which have a number of unique characteristics.

Wind generation

Wind generation is no longer unconventional. Recently, the demand for it has been actively growing. Business entities are happy to use wind generation. It is divided into several types: small (individual wind turbines are used, which provide a small household, cottages, small economy facilities); medium (generators have a capacity of 20-500 kW, which meets the needs of hostels, hotels, military or tourist bases, small factories); large (wind generators with a unit capacity of more than 500 kW are used, which are used to create wind parks capable of producing up to 700 MWh/day).

Biomass generation

It is quite accessible due to the intensive development of animal husbandry and poultry farming. Agricultural waste, when processed, produces biogas and fertilizers. This approach helps to avoid emissions of methane into the atmosphere and accumulation of organic waste. Biogas in the amount of 1 m3 gives up to 3 kW of electricity. And 1000 m3 of this type of energy replaces up to 10 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Alternative generation

This includes biomethane or hydrogen fuel.
The hydrogen economy stimulates the increase of working places and economic growth, which Ukraine needs very much now. It is becoming one of the main factors on the path of decarbonization of power engineering.
Today, hydrogen is used for various purposes:

  • production of fertilizers;
  • improving the quality of gasoline;
  • improving of steel features;
  • in the food industry for the production of margarine and solid confectionery fats by the method of hydrogenation of vegetable oils.

The following processes cannot do without it:

  • hydrotreatment;
  • hydrodesulfurization;
  • hydrocracking;
  • regeneration of catalysts.

The use of hydrogen in fuel cells is the most ecological.
There are several sources for obtaining hydrogen:

  1. Natural organic fuels (natural gas, coal, wood, etc.).
  2. Organic wastes of agriculture, industry and municipal services, which are transformed into synthesis gas in the process of gasification or pyrolysis.
  3. Obtaining hydrogen from water by decomposing its molecule into H2 and O2 by electrolysis or thermochemical decomposition.
  4. A biological method of obtaining molecular H2 from a mixture of water with nutrients due to the energy of sunlight as a product of the vital activity of blue-green algae.

Depending on the method of production, hydrogen is divided by color into “green”, “blue” or “gray” hydrogen.
There are two fundamentally different concepts of organizing the production and use of hydrogen:

  • decentralized systems (hydrogen production is brought closer to the place of its consumption — this makes it impossible to transport hydrogen to the consumer);
  • centralized production (production is concentrated in certain places, and hydrogen is delivered to specialized consumers by transport).

In our country, for the development of hydrogen energy, it is necessary at the state level to resolve the issue of how exactly to deliver hydrogen to the place of its receipt.

The main areas of demand for this type of energy:

  • transport (sea, road and air);
  • metallurgy;
  • chemical industry;
  • heating and cooling of premises;
  • electric power industry.

The lack of clarity regarding the color classification of hydrogen is an obstacle to innovation. Oversimplification and absolute priority of one or another color category can lead to the premature rejection of a number of technological solutions that could potentially be more efficient in terms of cost and carbon dioxide emissions.
A hydrogen economy can stimulate working places creation and economic growth, which will ensure that the industry’s goals for a successful recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic are met. A number of national strategies devoted to hydrogen energy lead to the promotion of employment as an important factor in the development of this field, including opportunities for retraining the existing workforce and training new professionals.

Decarbonization in the design of energy facilities

Our design office provides a number of services in this direction:

  • consulting on the list of necessary documents;
  • we perform pre-project work on the integration of the customer’s facility with relative to existing engineering networks;
  • determine the class of consequences for the complex and each separate object in it, regardless of purpose;
  • we develop and agree on the projects of the necessary energy systems and schemes for their connection to the necessary networks;
  • we finalize project developments before receiving positive conclusions from the relevant state institutions;
  • conduct “author supervision”.

We implement the set tasks at the highest level, taking into account the legislative documents of the state. If the construction will be carried out within the settlement, we take into account the current urban planning documentation.

Decarbonization of the energy sector has become the main goal of our project company as an aid to the modern development of the country. Qualified implementation of facility design offered by the TCH Project office helps our clients to optimize capital investment. We provide professional services. We save the customer’s time and money. We develop modern projects by involving the best architects and designers.

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